Avoiding These 4 Types Of People Makes Your Life 100x Better
The quality of life depends on the quality of relationships. And the quality of relationships depends on the type of people.
We think, speak, act, and even laugh the same way our friends do. There is an ever-ongoing exchange of character and energy in both ways. Take this for granted and you will end up somewhere you deeply regret.
So let's install a new update with a lot of bug fixes.
1. The Sad Experts
We all have problems always in one form or the other. We all get sad on a weekly or sometimes daily basis. At least I do. It is fine. But. Regardless of having a problem that is legit or silly, these are the people who refuse to take hold of it. They love staying stuck.
They deny taking responsibility.
Always sad. Always cynical. Always negative. You go ask them an opinion, they give you 1000 reasons why it won't work, and subtly ask you to stay sad with them.
Hey, I want to teach music online and see what happens.
“Oh...I see...I know this is a cool idea but it won't work at all. You are too young and nobody would even think of learning music online. You should better stop with just your studies”
Hey, I want to start a blog and see what happens.
“Oh…Nice…but sadly the blogs are so outdated. Nobody reads blogs these days. Come on, who has that patience? This is unnecessary for you”
Look how cutely they handle things. Start nicely, and end nicely but embed their insecurities in between. Their loud insecurities and low self-confidence will bleed all over you and will never let you get somewhere in life.
The most feared complication is their opinion becoming your excuse. And you know what? It will become one. You won't notice that.
If you are anybody with sheer ambition, openness to experiences, and trying new things, move.
You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with ~ Jim Rohn
2. The Crazies
This type is common nowadays.
This is the ultimate result of helicopter parenting. Also, not all single children are crazy but most crazies are single children. They were too cuddled and never got Hulk smashed by their siblings.
Dramatic, unstable, neurotic, entitled. Always a victim of something. Always been done wrong. They feed off your attention and energy. They get high off of extreme emotions. The only way they remind themselves that you like them is by making you apologize for the shit you never did in the first place. How? By creating conflicts.
They do not fear death. They fear peace.
A friendship with them is just a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And worry not. You will be always kept busy with having one problem or the other they have with you for the silliest of reasons. Talk about anything for 5 minutes and they are OFFENDED. The tiniest of discomforts and their entire worldview violated, the world view that everything should bend to them and they are the center of everything.
I am terrified of this type. I usually run away without turning back. If you are anybody who hates to get into unnecessary conflicts every five minutes, move.
3. The Flexers
They come in 2 varieties. Flexing themselves or flexing their parents. They talk about nothing except themselves. Their kindergarten achievements, their unlimited talent, amazing accolades, and the coolness of their parents. The entire conversation revolves around them. They do not understand the difference between sharing and bragging.
Annoying. Yes. Absolutely.
They generally push others away unknowingly but certain people work as a key to this lock, people who would be happy to hear their praises for ages. They think that doing this would make the flexer stay.
Toxic friendships are equal and opposite.
4. The Mouth breathers
You both just met yesterday. You don't even know his/her name fully. But you already got like 9 missed calls and 3 paragraphs of texts from them. They are already in a battle of doubt and worry if you don't like them enough to pick up their calls and reply. They are the ‘besties at first sight’
They get too close, too quick.
The half-life of a friendship/relationship is = the duration it took to develop from scratch.
The longer you people know each other, the longer it stays.
Mutual trust and a genuine friendship/relationship do not fall from the sky. It takes deliberate, slow, and steady efforts over a long time. Like a ship that sails while course-correcting itself smoothly.
If you are anybody who feels no guilt for doing what feels right by dumping for the greater good, move.
The most powerful weapon you have is your feet. Move away from anything that makes you feel less of yourself. From anything that doesn't make you a better person.
Surround yourselves wisely.
To more rants,
Cover art by my friend Ashitha Ashok. Check out her other works here.